New EU renewable energy targets for 2030

Europe's ambitious efforts on climate change are set out in the Preparatory Package for the 55% target. The EU's goal is by 2030. 55% to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases (GHG) and by 2050 Make the EU climate neutral. This update is aimed at 2030. to increase the share of renewable energy sources in the EU energy mix. in 2022 September. The EP called for this target to be increased to 45%. (the current target is 32%).

in 2022 May. The Commission's REPowerEU plan underlines the need to accelerate the clean energy transition and phase out energy imports from Russia by 2030. up to 45 percent increasing the share of renewable energy in energy production, industry, buildings and transport.

During the December plenary session, the EP will vote on new rules governing renewable energy sources, energy efficiency and the energy performance of buildings. Permits for new or retrofitted renewable energy plants, including solar panels and windmills, are expected to be issued more quickly.

Increasing renewable energy sources in the EU

The Commission also proposes updated targets in the following sectors:

buildings - 49 percent. renewable energy until 2030;

heating and cooling – the existing indicative annual increase of 1.1 percentage points would be binding for EU countries;

central heating and ventilation - an indicative annual increase of 2.1 percentage points in the use of renewable resources and waste heat and cold (an increase from the current increase of 1.0 points);

industry - a new benchmark - 1.1 percentage point annual increase in the use of renewable resources.

MEPs support the Commission's target for buildings, but want to increase the annual heating and cooling target to 2.3. They also want a more ambitious industry target increase of 1.9.

MEPs expect that the use of renewable energy sources in the transport sector will allow 16 percent reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing the use of advanced biofuels and increasing quotas for non-biological renewable fuels such as hydrogen.

MEPs want countries to:

until 2025 prepare at least two cross-border ecological electricity development projects;

would ensure that at least 5 percent newly installed renewable energy capacity would be from innovative renewable energy technologies.

The Green Deal: a climate-neutral and sustainable EU

2019 November 28 The European Parliament declared a critical climate situation and called for all EU policy measures to ensure that climate warming does not exceed 1.5 °C. In December of the same year, the European Commission presented the "European Green Deal" - plans until 2050. to make the EU climate neutral.

Implementation and benefits of the objectives of the European Green Deal

EU climate law

The European Parliament approved the new climate legislation in 2021. June 24

With this act, the EU committed itself until 2030. 55 percent reduce emissions and by 2050 to ensure a neutral impact on the climate - that no more GHGs are emitted into the environment than they are collected or absorbed.

The new law also obliges to reduce GHG emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030. compared to 1990 position (the previous target was 40%). In turn, if the future proposal of the European Commission on the Agriculture and Forestry Regulation is accepted, it would allow to further increase the amount of carbon dioxide absorbers and by 2030 to actually reduce the emission of said gas by 57 percent.

In half a year from 2023 planned global revisions of the Paris Agreement, the European Commission will have to propose a GHG reduction target for the 2040s. In addition, taking into account the EP's proposal, the Commission will announce how much GHG the EU can emit until 2050, in order not to violate the obligations assumed in the Paris Agreement. This will be one of the criteria in 2040. to set a goal.

Until 2023 on 30 September, and every five years thereafter, the Commission will assess the overall progress of all EU countries and the consistency of individual country measures. Based on the MEPs' proposal, a scientific European Council on Climate Change will also be established, which will monitor progress and assess whether European climate policy meets the intended goals.

55% of readiness to implement. a set of tools for the purpose

In order for the EU to reach its 2030 goal, 2021 The Commission has proposed a package of new and revised legislation called the 55% Readiness to Implement. goal with a set of means. This package will review EU climate and energy legislation, including proposals on emissions trading, effort sharing between EU countries, the land use sector and forestry, renewable energy and energy efficiency. The proposals will be considered in the Parliament in 2022.

Reduction of emissions from industry, transport and other sectors

In the first year of 2023 On the other hand, the EP approved texts on:

emissions trading system reforms;

the introduction of a border carbon tax mechanism in order to stop the tendency of EU companies to transfer their activities to countries with less restrictive pollution;

national greenhouse gas reduction targets for sectors not included in the ETS, such as transport, agriculture, buildings and waste disposal;

proposal to ensure that new cars and vans from 2035 not release CO2 pollutants into the environment;

reducing emissions from airplanes and ships.

In the coming months, MEPs are set to vote on final reviews of fuel infrastructure, aviation and marine fuel and renewable energy.

EU funds to support households during the green transition

Parliament approved:

a social climate fund to support vulnerable households, small businesses and transport users who are particularly affected by energy and transport poverty;

a fund to ensure a fair energy transition financed by auctioning allowances from the renewal of the emissions trading system.

Promoting the circular economy

in 2020 In March, the Commission also presented a new circular economy action plan, in which

presents new initiatives related to the entire life cycle of products that aim to

modernize and transform our economy while protecting the environment. Measures will include:

electrical and electronic equipment;

battery and vehicles;

food products and packaging;

textile products;

construction and buildings;

food chain.

In 2022 In November, the European Commission proposed new EU-wide packaging rules.

The EU has agreed on a common type of charger. Until 2024 the USB-C type connector will become common

charger for most electronic devices in the EU. Until 2026 April 28 laptops will also need to be equipped with a USB-C connector.

in 2023 In March, the Commission presented a new proposal to encourage the repair and reuse of goods. Under legal warranty, sellers are required to repair products unless it is cheaper to replace them.

in 2022 in September, MEPs confirmed their position on an EU industrial strategy to help businesses deal with the effects of COVID-19 and make a smooth transition to a greener, circular economy. in 2021 in November, the EP called for the preparation of a more detailed EU strategy on the most important raw materials in order to reduce the EU's dependence on the import of these raw materials. in 2023 March. The Commission has proposed an EU act on essential raw materials

A sustainable food system

The food system has a major impact on the environment. Although EU agriculture is the only sector worldwide to have reduced greenhouse gas emissions (20% since 1990), it still emits around 10%. amount of greenhouse gases.

in 2020 May 20 The European Commission launched the Farm to Fork strategy, which aims to create a fair, reliable and environmentally friendly food system. The new strategy will pave the way for a transition to a sustainable EU food system that will ensure food security and the ability to eat healthy products from the resources of a healthy planet. This will help reduce the environmental and climate impacts of the EU food system and strengthen its resilience, protecting the health of citizens and the livelihoods of economic operators.

in 2021 In October, the EP endorsed the "Farm to Fork" strategy and proposed recommendations to make this strategy more sustainable. The EP emphasized that 55% of the readiness to implement the target set should set ambitious targets for agricultural emissions.

With a million plant and animal species in the world at risk of extinction, the EU is also developing measures to preserve biodiversity. in 2020 the EU Biodiversity Strategy until 2030 was presented in May. is intended to combat the main drivers of biodiversity loss by protecting and restoring it, promoting changes in various environmental, economic and social areas. Parliament adopted its position in 2021. in June.

Parliament has approved new rules obliging companies to ensure that products sold on the European market have not contributed to deforestation or deforestation anywhere in the world.

Financing the transition to a green economy

in 2020 In January, a little more than a month after the launch of the European Green Deal, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal for its financing. The European Green Deal Investment Plan aims to mobilize at least €1,000 billion in sustainable public and private investment over the next decade.

Funds generated by the new Just Transition Mechanism would provide financial support to regions most affected by the transition to a green economy, such as those heavily dependent on fossil fuels.

in 2020 November 10 The negotiators of the European Parliament and the Council reached a compromise on the 2021-2027 of the long-term EU budget and 750 billion economic recovery package worth EUR. The EP ensured that the agreement included a legally binding plan for the introduction of new own resources. It foresees a plastic tax from 2021, from 2023 - the contribution of the Emissions Trading System, which may be tied to the import of carbon dioxide.

in 2020 In May, the Commission presented a proposal for a public sector lending facility to promote investments by public sector institutions supporting the transition to climate-neutral economies in coal-intensive and carbon-intensive regions. MEPs approved it in 2021. in June.

In order to encourage the transition to green investments and to prevent situations where projects are presented as green, but in fact are not, in 2020 June 16 The EP approved the rules defining the criteria for green investments.

in 2020 in November, the EP noted the need to ensure the transition of countries to a circular and climate-neutral economy.

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